The art of feeling nourished
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Ayurvedic Formulas for Pregnancy, Birth, and Postpartum
Ayurveda teaches us that nature wants us to thrive.
When we live in alignment with Earth’s rhythms, we do.
Motherhood can be experienced and remembered as one of the deepest, most beautiful and transformational times of your life. We are here to support you, and to assure that it is.
We hope our offerings will provide you with all of the guidance, support, and nourishment that you will need to care for your body and your baby throughout your childbearing year and beyond.
What if, from the onset of conception, your child's body was literally built in an environment enveloped in love, care, and deep, deep nourishment? Their nervous system built with the knowing that they held value and worth based on who they are?
What if all mamas knew that once the soul enters in, she wraps that soul in matter built by the food that she consumes through her eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. That this little soul's sense of Self is built by its environment, cultured by its surroundings, including the mind and emotions of the body that sustains it.
What if all parents knew that for the first 42 days after birth, their little babe still does not yet know herself as separate. "I am my environment; the sounds, the temperature, the mood, the emotions continue to build my nervous system."
What if their nervous systems were built on a foundation of love? What if love was their North star, their "normal", that they always strived to come back to when life seemed to throw them off course?
Our past experiences build our foundation of “normal.”
Our early experiences shape what we seek in future relationships.
Whatever energy our nervous system was built on
creates a standard
that we return to again, and again, and again.
What if intention invited us, love grew us, and attention sustained us?
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ayurveda mama box
Establish a lifetime of health for you and your babe
Why Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing rooted in the ancient culture of India. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge), guiding you not only towards vibrant physical and mental health, but also a deeper connection to your spiritual nature. It offers a body of wisdom designed to help you stay vital while …