What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is considered yoga's sister science, as they are meant to be practiced together. It is a science of living; guiding us not only towards vibrant physical and mental health, but also a connection to our spiritual nature. it offers a body of wisdom designed to help you stay vital while realizing your full human potential.
Ayurveda, India’s ancient and holistic system of health, offers timeless wisdom on the sacred process of bringing life into this world.
Ayurveda offers ways to prepare your body, mind, and life before conception, and ways to nourish your little one throughout pregnancy including tips on diet, lifestyle, herbs and oils so that you experience vibrancy and vitality, growing your little one with love.
With Ayurveda Mama Box, you will feel prepared for your unique birthing experience, equipped with Ayurvedic techniques to invoke auspiciousness, balance, and ease. You will have the tools needed to assure that your Sacred Window, or postpartum period, is one of the most profound and memorable experiences of your life; assuring that you are deeply nourished and cared for so that you can care for your little one.
Ayurveda Mama Box is for every mama, and for every woman who ever wants to become a mother.
Check out this podcast with founder dhyana masla to learn more…
Ayurvedic Conception, Pregnancy and Post-Partum Care || Dhyana Masla
On this episode, we discuss ayurveda as it relates to:
Preparing the body and mind for welcoming a soul into this world. Foundationally, we need to feel like we were wanted, so a child must be conceived with love, knowing that they are brought into this world with care and intention.
Whatever consciousness, mother and father have at the time of conception as well as the doshas making up their the bodies, whether balanced or imbalanced, calls a particular soul of similar quality. So both the physiology and consciousness of mother and father are important.
In Vedic culture it is believed that the mother's body literally becomes a home for a soul, so creating a clean environment for the soul to reside within is extremely important. Maintain good spiritual/meditation practice at least 6 months before, maintain a clean diet (no processed, canned, leftover), practice abhyanga (self-massage)
Pacifying Vata dosha (element of air, mobility, activity) is MOST IMPORTANT - Eating warm and cooked foods, oily foods, daily self-massage, warm baths.
Regularly meditating on the qualities that you would like the baby to embody
Self-care becomes more natural when it is connected to the act of service for the baby
Everything coming in through the senses of the mother begins to build the tissues, both gross and subtle, of the new body which resides within her. During pregnancy, and the first months after birth, a baby has no conception of itself as distinct from its environment. Therefore, it is vital to be mindful how the quality of its environment can be kept sacred/clean/ 'high vibe'
Discussion on the role of men and doulas / midwives in pregnancy
Discussion on: the 40 days after pregnancy are known in Ayurveda as the “sacred window” that will shape the next 40 years of a child’s health.