sacred birth: 4 Ayurvedic tips for labor and birth

"At the time of conception, a woman offers her body as a vessel to bring a Soul into this world. In complete surrender, she allows her body to be the vehicle in which a new Soul grows and flourishes. It is as if she gives up all rights of ownership to her own body and fully offers it up in service. Her body may take on many challenges; even in the healthiest of pregnancies, the body undergoes dramatic change. At the time of labor and delivery the mother must surrender all control and allow herself, as the vessel for bringing new life into the world, to open. In those moments, she becomes a gateway between the heavens and the Earth. As this process unfolds, she changes from woman to mother. This is no small accomplishment; she is forever changed.

This transition is sacred.


And to be sacred means it is to be honored."

- Krsna Jivani, Light on the Sacred Window, Ayurveda Mama

According to Ayurveda, there are certain practices that can be implemented during labor to assist the birthing process as well as give relief and support to the birthing mother.

Photo from: @wearefoxandowl

Provide Warmth:

Warm nourishing snacks and beverages during labor.

In North America, it is common practice in hospitals to give a birthing mama ice chips and restrict all other food and beverages, although in Ayurveda this is strongly ill-advised. According to Ayurveda, if a birthing mother is given anything cold to consume, immediately the conscious connection between her mind, body, spirit, and womb space is severed.

Warm hydrating teas, soup broths, or warm nourishing smoothies are perfect to give energy to the birthing mama. To keep warm teas hydrating, unless the mother is taking them for medicinal purposes given by the midwives or doula to assist with labor, reduce the amount of herb-to-water ratio to only 1 teaspoon of herbs per 8 cups of water. This will keep the teas hydrating rather than drying. Hot soups can be made and she can drink just the thin broth of the soups if she is having a difficult time chewing any solid foods.

A little hot water can be added to any of her juices or energy drinks to take out the chill, or they can be stored at room temperature (as long as they are still sealed) prior to labor. Warm blended smoothies can also be made with dates, nut milks, and warm digestive spices.

Guiding the mother to consume hot, warm, or room temperature food and beverages helps her to have foods that are easier to digest, which is recommended during labor and following birth. One of the staple recipes for a birthing and immediate postpartum mother is a mushy, watery, sweet rice kanji. This dish can be prepared by the birthing partner or doula as the mother goes into early labor. She will benefit from eating spoonfuls throughout her labor.

Warm oil massages in between contractions.

This can be done by any support person at the birth: the partner, a friend or family member, or the doula or midwife. Organic sesame oil is best used and can be infused by your Ayurdoula with herbs such as rose and brahmi. This oil can be put into plastic squeeze bottles, and the bottle then placed in a pot of hot water to keep warm. The hot water will keep the oil warm throughout the labor. Warming the oil is essential, as any sort of cold applied to the birthing mother will disturb her. Instead, warmed oil will feel nourishing and supportive. The oil should be rubbed all along the lower back and thighs of the mother in firm, downward strokes. This should be done between contractions while she breathes and rests.

Spoonfuls of honey for the birthing mama during the pushing phase.

In between pushes, while the mother rests, a support person or doula can bring a spoonful of honey for the mother to eat. The reasoning for this is a bit mysterious but it is just one of those magical mama medicine traditions that will help you to get more effective pushes to bring your baby earthside.

Photo from: @wearefoxandowl

Choosing who will catch the baby, if medically appropriate, is highly significant.

Some mothers choose to catch their own baby, given they are conscious and in a position to do so. Some mamas choose to invite the father or a sibling to catch the baby. Ayurveda says that the baby is highly influenced by the qualities of the person who catches the baby coming out of the birth canal. If you would like to catch your own baby or have a close family member or friend catch your baby, have a discussion with your doctor or midwives in advance so that they are aware of your wishes and can best support you in this. This is one benefit of a home birth, as most hospitals may have policies against anyone besides a medical professional catching a baby.


The deepest surrender - a birth story


this ayurvedic recipe gives mama sustainable energy in labor and immediate postpartum