nutrition, recipes, health and wellness Krsna Jivani nutrition, recipes, health and wellness Krsna Jivani

How to make ghee

It is simple to make ghee on your own once you learn how. It takes several hours of monitoring the stove with your attention, however it is much cheaper to make your own ghee than it is to buy pre-made ghee. Here is a simple recipe for how to make ghee from Divya Alter’s Ayurvedic cookbook. When making your own ghee, source unsalted organic, grass-fed, and/or cultured butter.

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nutrition, pregnancy, health and wellness Krsna Jivani nutrition, pregnancy, health and wellness Krsna Jivani

5 benefits of ghee

Ghee has been used in India for thousands of years. Ghee can be infused with herbs and taken as medicine, or used as an everyday household cooking oil. The Charak Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic authoritative text states “Out of all the oils fit for human consumption, ghee is the best to eat.” Ghee is known as “liquid gold.” It is glorified throughout the ancient texts of Ayurveda for its taste and health benefits. Many nutritionists and naturopaths today are noticing the value of ghee’s nurturing and nourishing qualities and considering it essential to a healthy diet.

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