Ayurveda mama box

month 5: Body, mind, and soul

Welcome to your fifth month of pregnancy.


What’s in my box?

Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil.

Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.


The health promoting powers of guduchi were so respected by the authors of the ancient Ayurvedic texts that they called it "Amrita" or "Divine Nectar." Guduchi is a powerful nutritive tonic and one of the best herbs for balancing vata and pitta. As a rejuvenative, guduchi strengthens the tissues, bolsters immunity, and promotes vitality while calming the mind and supporting proper function of the nervous system. It is also traditionally used to promote longevity and to support healthy reproduction.

To use: Take 1/4 tsp after a meal 1x daily, especially if experiencing heartburn 


A combination of three classic culinary spices—cumin, coriander, and fennel—this tea aids in the absorption of nutrients, balances digestion, burns accumulated toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system.

To use: Boil 2 cups of water, turn off the heat and add 1 tsp of tea. Cover and let steep for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy daily.

Desert Willow Flower Essence

For spiritual gaiety, joyfulness and more, and the lightening of all levels of depression

Take 3-5 drops under the tongue up to 6 times per day. Be sure to take daily for 30 days to receive greatest benefits.

*Products are subject to change depending on personalization.

According to Ayurveda, the baby’s five senses develop one month at a time over five consecutive  months of pregnancy. It is a tradition that there is a celebration during each one of these months, bringing extra attention to nourish the specific sense that is developing as the focus of the party. As mama’s senses are engaged, baby develops a keen sense and the ability to perceive through it clearly.


Fifth Month: Sense of Smell

During this celebration, we want to indulge mama’s sense of smell!

Ideas for celebration: have a warm fresh meal prepared so that the aroma fills the house. Light aromatic candles and have multiple diffusers on with mama’s favorite essential oil blends. Make beautiful teas, have aromatic flowers all around, bring mama gifts of all natural and aromatic soaps, teas, and oils. 


Your Yoga Practice.