Ayurveda Mama box
Month 6: Spiritual Immersion
Welcome to your sixth month of pregnancy.
What’s in my box?
Nourish: Abhyanga Oil
Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.
Shatavari Rose Ghee
Cooling, moist and nourishing, ghee delivers the medicine of rose and shatavari deep into the tissues of your body. Shatavari rose ghee supports the immune system and is anti-inflammatory. Shatavari supports hormone balance, reproductive health and promotes a calms, clear and serene state of mind. As well as bringing beauty into ones life, rose cools the mind, body and emotions, and heals the energetic heart.
To Use: Add 1 Tbsp to your evening spiced milk tonic. Let yourself be nourished.
Sandalwood + Rose Bath Soak
This epsom salt bath soak contains the essential mineral magnesium. Magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It balances the hormones, reduces fatigue, insomnia, aches and pains, stress, anxiety, fear and so much more. During pregnancy, the recommended intake for Magnesium increases.
To Use: Pour 1/8 cup of Bath Soak into a stainless steel or glass basin and mix in enough water to cover your feet. For a bath, pour a 1/4 cup and relax in your tub. Soak for 20-40 minutes.
Ingredients: Magnesium Chloride salt, sandalwood powder, pink rose powder, red rose petals and buds, lavender.
Mimulus Flower Essence
Mimulus is the remedy for fear of illness, pain, accidents, poverty, darkness, of being alone, or misfortune. The fears of every day life.
To Use: Take 3-5 drops under the tongue up to 6 times per day. Be sure to take daily for 30 days to receive greatest benefits.
*Products are subject to change depending on personalization.
According to Ayurveda, the baby’s five senses develop one month at a time over five consecutive months of pregnancy. It is a tradition that there is a celebration during each one of these months, bringing extra attention to nourish the specific sense that is developing as the focus of the party. As mama’s senses are engaged, baby develops a keen sense and the ability to perceive through it clearly.
Sixth Month: Sense of Hearing
During this celebration, we want to infuse the atmosphere with uplifting and supportive sound vibrations.
Ideas for celebration: This is a perfect month to host a kirtan at your home! If you do not play instruments, you can play your favorite songs and sing along, as well as dance together. A sharing circle can also be a part of the celebration, with each guest sharing blessings for the new baby and family.
Suggested Listening.
Let these sound vibrations be the constant background noise in your car, house, and workplace.
Mantra meditation.
Man means mind and tra means "to free." Mantra is a practice known for its ability to free the mind from all fear and anxiety that stems from forgetfulness of your true Self. Mantra is spiritual energy encased in sound structure. Chanting has a profound effect on the body, mind, and spirit. There are many different mantras that each have their own potency, and thus carry with them many different effects.
The following mantra is said to carry within it the power of all other mantras. It is a prayer and a meditation. A prayer to serve; to awaken to the Truth of who you really are and to remember your loving relationship with the Divine. A meditation to focus your attention completely on the sounds, whether you say it silently or aloud. Whenever the mind wanders (usually to the past or to the future), bring it back again, simply focusing your attention on hearing the sound. When the mind wanders again, bring it back. Then it will wander again. Bring it back.
This mantra is said to permeate through all layers of matter and directly touch the Soul. It revives your original, pure consciousness. It helps you to awaken to the deepest reality, and allows you to become an instrument of God's grace, love, and compassion in the world.
The Maha Mantra is a 16-word mantra which is mentioned in the Kali-Santarana Upanishad. There are only three words in this mantra, Hare (pronounced ha-ray), Krishna (pronounced krish-na), and Rama (rhymes with "mama”). Hare invokes the presence of the Divine feminine, and with that, all of Her qualities, such as compassion, divine grace, and pure love. There are so many different names for the One (including the most common name, "God"). Krishna is name of God meaning “attractive to everyone” and Rama means “one who gives pleasure” and awakens you to the pleasure inherent within your own heart.
Association with Spiritual people
When you spend time with holy people, people who are dedicated to living a life in alignment with Truth, their vibration affects you in a deep way. Their energy, lived knowledge, and depth of realization affects the atmosphere by bringing cleansing, connection, and clarification. Just their presence begins to shift your inner experience, as there is an energy transfer that takes place beyond anything that they say or do. By associating with spiritual people, whether it be in person, listening to lectures, or through reading books or biographies, you will begin to take on qualities of those people. By serving these great seers of Truth, Truth begins to awaken within your own heart and the heart of the little one in your womb.
With today's technology, spiritual sound vibration is easily accessible anywhere, and at any time. Hearing from the sacred literature refocuses your priorities, purifies your heart, and attracts Divine grace. The more pure and realized the source of the knowledge, the more powerful the effect.