Ayurveda mama Box

Fertility Box


What’s in my box?

Abhyanga Oil

Organic sesame and sunflower oil Ayurvedically infused with rose, brahmi, ashwagandha and bala over a gentle four day process.

Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, improves memory, and lowers blood pressure. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace. Ashwagandha and Bala strengthen the body to prepare for pregnancy.

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Abhyanga oil brings nourishment to all the tissues of the body to provide you with the essential strength you need to carry you through pregnancy. Use this oil daily for your self-massages. You will find the abhyanga self-massage instructional video below!

Vitality: Herbal Bath Powder

Added to your bath, this herbal powder helps prepare the physical and emotional body for conception. Ashoka is known as the “remover of sorrow.” This herb heals both physical and psychological pain, especially in the female reproductive organs. Shatavari is traditionally used to maintain the healthy production of female hormones. Translated as "100 spouses," Shatavari is known for its role in promoting fertility and vitality.

Suggested Use: Add 2-4 tablespoons of powder directly to a warm bath. Soak for at least 20 minutes. Take 2-4 baths per week with the intention to strengthen the body for conception.

Ojas: Milk Tonic

“It is the ojas which keeps all the living beings refreshed. There can be no life without ojas. Ojas marks the beginning of embryo.” - Charaka

Suggested Use: This milk tonic powder can be drunk daily in a warm cup of milk or nut milk to build ojas in the body and prepare the body for conception. Boil 1 tablespoon of milk tonic powder in one warm cup (8oz) of milk or nut milk. Drink daily before bed or first thing in the morning. Sweeten if you desire. Both partners can drink this tonic to boost ojas.

Triphala: Herbal Supplement

Triphala is an herbal supplement that detoxifies the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it. This formula removes excess vata, pitta, and kapha from the body, bringing balance and proper functioning to the body.

Suggested Use: ¼ to ½ teaspoon with warm water, once or twice daily, or as directed by your health practitioner. Both partners may take this supplement.

Please consult with your health care practitioner prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant or nursing, taking medications, or have a medical condition. Keep out of the reach of children.

Mama’s Mood: Aphrodisiac Elixir Powder

The herbs in this blend are known to work as aphrodisiacs, boost mood, libido and sexual desire. They also help boost fertility, and are nutritive to the reproductive system. By opening the heart, it increases the connection between the self and others and uplifts the spirit with joy.

Suggested Use: Lightly boil 1 tablespoon in one 8oz. cup of water or milk. Drink as desired, at least once per week while trying to conceive and more often around ovulation time.

Balance: Herbalized Ghee

Nourishing for both men and women, Balance: Herbalized Ghee is infused using traditional ancient medicine making methods. When taken, the benefits of these herbs permeate all tissue layers of the body, building strength and bringing balance to the reproductive systems in both partners.

Suggested Use: Add one teaspoon of Balance ghee to Ojas milk tonic and drink daily. Both partners can take this ghee.

Fertility Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This Inner Sun and Moon  proprietary assists you to work through any blockages in fertility beyond the physical level.

Suggested Use: Take 3-5 drops on the tongue or in one of your teas/tonics. Take 3x per day. Both partners may benefit from this flower essence.



Your daily Rhythm

The tradition of dinacharya (daily routine) is one of the most powerful Ayurvedic tools for improving overall health and well-being, and one of the most important practices to stabilize vata dosha. Nature moves in cycles (day to night, winter to spring), and all of the animals and plants follow suit with their own daily and seasonal routines. As humans, living in a fast-paced world, we can easily grow out of touch with our natural, circadian rhythms.

Adopting an appropriate daily routine is one of the most grounding and nourishing things you can do for yourself and your little babe. The following are Ayurveda's recommended daily practices:


  • wake up before the sun: The early part of the day, before the sun rises, is governed by vata dosha. If you wake up during this time you will feel more light and energized upon waking and throughout the day. If you are feeling extra tired throughout the day, rest as needed, and see if you can get to sleep a bit earlier in the evening.

  • meditate: Meditation is essential for creating space between your mind (the voice in your head that is always saying something about everything) and your Self (the one who is steadily witnessing, beyond the mind and emotions). The more you can begin to identify with your Self rather than your mind, the more steady, content, and happy you will be in your life.

  • oil pull: Put 1-2 tbsp of coconut oil or sesame oil into your mouth and swish it around for 10-20 minutes. Then spit it out and rinse. Oil pulling promotes oral hygiene, strengthens teeth, gums and jaw, draws fat soluble toxins out of the body, reduces inflammation, boosts immunity, whitens teeth and more!

  • scrape your tongue & brush your teeth: Gently scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper or a spoon, from back to front 8-15 times, removing the coating that has accumulated over night. This stimulates the internal organs, helps digestion, improves taste, and removes dead bacteria. Then brush your teeth using a bitter or astringent toothpaste rather than sweet.

  • self massage (abhyanga): One of the most nourishing practices there are! (See video tutorials).

  • drink warm water with lime: Warm water first thing in the morning gently awakens your GI tract, stimulating peristalsis, encouraging elimination and therefore supporting digestive health. Limes are high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract.

throughout the day

  • movement: In the morning, support the waking of your body in a way that you enjoy, whether it be taking a brisk walk around your neighborhood, dancing around your house, going to the gym, or dedicating time to your yoga practice. The afternoon is a prime time to get the blood flowing. After your largest meal of the day is consumed (at lunchtime) give yourself at least 10-15 minutes for a walk to promote blood flow. Evening calls for gentler movement, such as a gentle yoga practice, so that you can begin to wind the body down in preparation for a good night of sleep.

  • nourish properly: Breakfast can be a light yet nourishing meal that awakens your body's digestive fire and gives you enough energy until lunch time. Lunch will be your biggest meal of the day, followed by a light dinner eaten at least two hours before bedtime. See if you can have your main meals at the same time each day. This balanced and helps to regulate your digestion. If needed, add high protein and easy to digest snacks between your main meals to maintain your blood sugar and keep nausea at bay.

  • get to bed early: Ayurveda recommends that you are in bed by 9:30pm and asleep no later than 10pm. This likely means that you begin winding down from your day no later than 8:30pm - turning off electronics, dimming lights, taking a bath or shower and brushing your teeth. At 10pm, pitta energy fills the atmosphere, often giving you a "second wind" if you are still awake. Ideally, the body is able to use that pitta energy while you are sleeping to break down and metabolize any toxicity or undigested food that has accumulated throughout the day so that you wake up in the morning feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed!