What’s inside each box?

Pre- conception box


Prepare your mind, body and heart to welcome your little angel into your womb. This box will provide you with the perfect balance of deep cellular cleansing and full body nourishment. The herbs chosen to infuse into these products have an affinity for supporting and healing the reproductive organs, and also have the ability to bring tranquility and ease to the mind and heart.

In this box you will receive:

  • Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil brings nourishment to all the tissues of the body to provide you with the essential strength you need to carry you through pregnancy.

  • Vitality: Herbal Bath Powder

Added to your bath, this herbal powder helps prepare the physical and emotional body for conception. Ashoka is known as the “remover of sorrow.” This herb heals both physical and psychological pain, especially in the female reproductive organs. Shatavari is traditionally used to maintain the healthy production of female hormones. Translated as "100 spouses," Shatavari is known for its role in promoting fertility and vitality.

  • Triphala: Herbal Supplement

Triphala is an herbal supplement that detoxifies the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it. This formula removes excess vata, pitta, and kapha from the body, bringing balance and proper functioning to the body.

  • Balance: Herbalized Ghee

Nourishing for both men and women, Balance: Herbalized Ghee is infused using traditional ancient medicine making methods. When taken, the benefits of these herbs permeate all tissue layers of the body, building strength and bringing balance to the reproductive systems in both partners.

  • Fertility Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This Inner Sun and Moon  proprietary assists you to work through any blockages in fertility beyond the physical level.

month 2 box


Congratulations, Mama! You have likely just discovered that you are holding your little one inside of you. It is the perfect time to commit to lifestyle and dietary habits that nourish you deeply and support balance and ease. These products will support you in your first trimester and begin your journey as an Ayurveda Mama.

In this box you will receive:

  • Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.

  • Mama’s Wellness Tea

A simple blend of peppermint and chamomile. This beautiful blend of herbs soothes nausea while simultaneously delivering vital nutrients to support your mood.

  • Mama’s Wellness Roll On

Peppermint and lemon pure essential oils in a carrier of coconut oil. Keep this on hand for those moments of telltale morning sickness (or all day sickness!). You can use the roller ball application to apply the essential oil blend onto your wrists, neck, or hands, and deeply inhale the scents. Many women experience a temporary relief of nausea by smelling the scents of lemon or peppermint. Carry this with you and use it as often as you may need, mama!

  • Pregnancy Flower Essence

This flower essence blend assists in all aspects of pregnancy. Specifically formulated for you.


month 3 box


While we continue with the focus of NOURISHING all of the tissues in your and your baby's body, we add in herbs that deeply support your reproductive organs and heal your emotional heart. To read about why we chose Sattva Rasa’s Rose Magnesium Spray and the incredible benefits (including reducing migraines, fatigue, body tension, anxiety and more!) click HERE.

In this box you will receive:

  • Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.

  • Pregnancy Tea

A simple, traditional blend recommended by local midwives to promote a healthy pregnancy and labor through its nourishing and toning effects. Contains raspberry leaf, oatstraw, and nettle leaf.

  • Ojas Milk Tonic

“It is the ojas which keeps all the living beings refreshed. There can be no life without ojas. Ojas marks the beginning of embryo.” - Charaka

This milk tonic powder can be drunk daily with a warm cup of milk or nut milk to build ojas in the body.

  • Ylang Ylang Flower Essence

Ylang Ylang Flower Essence fosters an inner awakening of deep trust that life experiences are divinely guided by unconditional love and wisdom.

Beautifully revitalizing rose hydrosol infused with the purest magnesium salt source in the world. Rose is the highest vibrational plant. Elevate your mood, and bring bliss into your night time routine while the beautiful accompaniment of fresh rose helps ease you into a good night’s rest. To read about why we chose Sattva Rasa’s Rose Magnesium Spray and the incredible benefits (including reducing migraines, fatigue, body tension, anxiety and more!) click HERE.


month 4 box


In the fourth month, the focus is all about your heart, mama. Dr. Vasant Lad says, “The baby expresses its feelings and emotions through the mother’s emotions. A woman has two hearts during pregnancy -- her own heart, and the baby’s.” Your box this month is focused on continuing to nourish your body while also supporting your emotional heart.

In this box you will receive:

  • Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.

  • Shatavari Kalpa

Shatavari Kalpa is an ancient Ayurvedic concoction that not only nourishes the reproductive organs, balances the hormones and enhances the production of breast milk but also reduces pain, fatigue and general weakness in the pregnant mama. It bestows energy and overall nourishment and balances the pitta and vata doshas.

  • Daisy Flower Essence: Balance

Daisy balances conditions of the female reproductive system. Emotions which have not been dealt with fall to the pelvis, which provides a convenient place to bury them. Here they create imbalances in the female reproductive functions. Daisy gently awakened these emotions, resulting in greater balance.

  • Ayurvedic Rose Jam

Rose Petal Jam soothes the emotional heart & uplifts the mood. Due to the presence of a high amount of antioxidant properties, it acts as a powerful rejuvenator by inhibiting oxidation. It also reduces acidity, improves appetite and digestion and is a great energy booster for a pregnant mama. Rose petal jam has antibacterial and antiviral properties and provides a calming effect on the nervous system, helping pregnant mamas with anxiety, insomnia, or a restless mind.


month 5 box


As your baby grows in your womb, you may notice changes in your body and digestion. Your organs are moving around to accommodate your growing baby! This month, your body contains products that will help support your digestion while simultaneously nourishing and strengthening your reproductive system.

In this box you will receive:

  • Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.

  • Guduchi: Herbal Supplement

The health promoting powers of guduchi were so respected by the authors of the ancient Ayurvedic texts that they called it "Amrita" or "Divine Nectar." Guduchi is a powerful nutritive tonic and one of the best herbs for balancing vata and pitta. As a rejuvenative, guduchi strengthens the tissues, bolsters immunity, and promotes vitality while calming the mind and supporting proper function of the nervous system. It is also traditionally used to promote longevity and to support healthy reproduction.

  • CCF Tea

A combination of three classic culinary spices—cumin, coriander, and fennel—this tea aids in the absorption of nutrients, balances digestion, burns accumulated toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system.

  • Desert Willow Flower Essence

For spiritual gaiety, joyfulness and more, and the lightening of all levels of depression.


month 6 box


Put your feet up, mama, and relax! This month, nourish yourself with Shatavari Rose Ghee, take a bath in the heavenly scented magnesium bath salts, and begin preparing your perineal tissues for birth with softening, linden flower sitz baths. Continue creating a pregnancy journey for yourself that allows you to glow, and feel deeply nourished and supported.

In this box you will receive:

  • Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.

  • Shatavari Rose Ghee

Cooling, moist and nourishing, ghee delivers the medicine of rose and shatavari deep into the tissues of your body. Shatavari rose ghee supports the immune system and is anti-inflammatory. Shatavari supports hormone balance, reproductive health and promotes a calms, clear and serene state of mind. As well as bringing beauty into ones life, rose cools the mind, body and emotions, and heals the energetic heart.

  • Magnesium Bath Salts

Magnesium is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It balances the hormones, reduces fatigue, insomnia, aches and pains, stress, anxiety, fear and so much more. During pregnancy, the recommended intake for Magnesium increases.

  • Mimulus Flower Essence

Mimulus is the remedy for fear of illness, pain, accidents, poverty, darkness, of being alone, or misfortune. The fears of every day life.

month 7 - Pregnancy Blessing Box


Dear Mama, this box is to honor you. Your body, your life, your focus has shifted and changed so much throughout these last few months. You are HOME to this special little soul that is growing within you.

This box is to bring beauty and ritual into the incredible work that you’ve already done to invite your baby into this world with love, care and intention. This box is to honor and nourish your body, mind and soul so that you may continue to nourish your little one as you approach the sacred transition of welcoming him/her into the world.

In this box you will receive:

  • Nourish: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Nourish is our beautiful pregnancy massage oil. Brahmi, known as the “herb of grace,” is a beautiful adaptogenic herb used in Ayurveda as a nerve tonic, rejuvenator, and stress reducer. It also reduces anxiety, calms the mind and improves memory. Rose is a beautiful healer of the heart. Her gentle medicine invokes more beauty in ones life, as well as an experience of protection, ease and grace.

  • Ritual: Herbal Bath

The ritual art of herbal bathing is a timeless way to honor sacred moments with reverence. This Ritual: Herbal Bath is a divine blend of herbs that support peacefulness of the mind, opening of the heart, and invoke deep feelings of gratefulness. This ritual bath, as part of your pregnancy blessing, will mark this sacred time in your body and heart forever.

  • Ubtan Dusting Powder

This fragrant dusting powder is used to beautify the skin, packed with essential herbs and minerals, it exfoliates to reveal a natural glow. Sandalwood is a natural astringent that helps the skin to become naturally smooth and radiant; it brightens the complexion while rose soothes the skin. This Utban powder can be used after abhyanga on your whole body, or can be made into a paste by adding milk, oil, rose hydrosol or spring water and applied as a face mask.

  • Organic Rose Hydrosol

Also known as rose water, this pure rose hydrosol when poured into your ceremonial bath or misted over your body, soothes, tones, and refreshes. Rose also heals the emotional heart and helps to process grief.

  • Cleansing Incense

Incense smoke is traditionally used in Ayurveda to cleanse and purify an environment. This pure incense is hand rolled and scented with pure essential oils.

  • Plumeria Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

month 8 - Labor + Birth box


Welcome your babe into a beautiful world. This box includes everything a mama needs according to Ayurveda to prepare her body, heart and mind for a more smooth and ease-filled labor & birth.

In this box you will receive:

  • Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil brings nourishment to all the tissues of the body to provide you with the essential strength you need to carry you through labor and birth.

  • Birth: Herbal Bath

Bathing in pure organic linden flowers and leaves are traditionally used in Ayurveda to prepare the perineal tissues for birth. Use these flowers to prepare herbal sitz baths regularly leading up to birth, and you can also add them your birthing tub during labor, if you plan to have one. These flowers and leaves will assist in softening the tissues and you can use your time in your herbal baths to begin to bring your energy inwards, so that you will be equipped with the deep focus that is necessary during your labor.

  • Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil

Yoni Picchu and Basti are traditional methods of Ayurveda for preparing the perineal tissues and the body for childbirth. Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil, when used with these practices, will internally lubricate the tissues of the body, alleviate vata from the colon and pelvis, and begin to bring apana vayu downward, (the downward flow of energy in the body which governs the delivery of your baby).

  • Perineal Massage Herbal Ghee

Perineal massage is another traditional method for preparing perineal tissues before birth. A daily massage of the perineal tissues with this herbalized ghee, leading up to the onset of labor, will help stretch the tissues and accustom you to the sensations you may feel during labor and birth.

  • Guduchi: Herbal Supplement

The health promoting powers of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) were so respected by the authors of the ancient Ayurvedic texts that they called it "Amrita" or "Divine Nectar." As a rejuvenative, guduchi strengthens the tissues, bolsters immunity, and promotes vitality while calming the mind and supporting proper function of the nervous system. It is also traditionally used to promote longevity and to support healthy reproduction.

  • Cardamom Essential Oil

According to Ayurveda, there are several traditional scents that should be smelled by a birthing mother. Cardamom is one of the traditional scents used in birthing rooms. This pure essential oil can be diffused in the birthing room, it can be anointed on your body, or a few drops can placed into a bowl or container and kept at close hand to smell as desired. It has been said amongst doulas that smelling cardamom essential oil during labor can help to curb the nausea that is associated with contractions.

  • Birth Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This Inner Sun and Moon proprietary blend empowers the birthing mama to bring her baby earthside in the best way she is capable of.


month 9 - Postpartum sacred window box


After pregnancy and birth, there is a 42 day window of opportunity to restructure the entire physiology of a mother’s body, setting yourself up for a lifetime of good health. Honor your postpartum Sacred Window with these essential support tools, prepared and packaged just for you, mama!

In this box you will receive:

  • Honor: Postpartum Abhyanga Oil

This exquisite abhyanga oil is made to honor new mamas. Infused with multiple types of roses and rose powders, along with the supporting and strength-giving herbs of ashwagandha and others, this abhyanga oil will support you in your new motherhood. While ashwagandha gently serves simple nervous tension, the other supporting herbs strengthen the tissues of the body, rose assists in opening the emotional heart and processing grief.

  • Postpartum Herbal Bath

Ayurveda recommends that new mothers take warm, herbal baths everyday for 6 weeks following childbirth. Herbs may provide many benefits for both mother and baby including soothing the nervous system, boosting immunity, and supporting the healing of tissues. This special herbal bath blend is made to honor your sacred window while supporting your daily healing.

  • Belly Wrap Cloth

Traditionally, belly wrapping is done with a long piece of cotton cloth, wrapped many times around your entire torso and hips. This secure container supports your organs in returning to their pre-pregnancy size and position, helping you to heal faster and more completely. It also brings a feeling of emotional and physical stability and support.

  • Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil

Basti is a traditional method of Ayurveda for healing the perineal tissues and the body after childbirth. Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil, when used with this practice, will internally lubricate the tissues of the body and facilitate healing, alleviate vata from the colon and pelvis, and maintain a state of calm in the nervous system.

  • Nurture: Womb Oil

This blend of organic sesame oil is infused with eleven different herbs that support the newly postpartum mother in nurturing her womb space after birth. The time period immediately following birth and lasting for at least six weeks after is an extremely vulnerable time for a new mother. The physical womb and emotional womb begins a journey of returning to a state of emptiness, and the body, mind, and emotional heart of the mother must integrate and embody her newly found motherhood. These herbal allies assist women on this vulnerable journey.

  • Belly Paste

In Ayurveda, the tradition is to cover a postpartum mama’s abdomen with a fragrant herbal paste made of spices and essential oils. This Ayurvedic mix of organic spices is healing and warming to the skin. It will help brighten the skin, and may eliminate excess water/fat and aid the belly wrapping practice to recondition the postpartum tummy.

  • Panchakola Ghee

According to Ayurveda, during childbirth the birthing mother’s fire of digestion is completely extinguished. This ancient formula rekindles the digestive fire, supporting both mother and baby in their new bodies.

  • Sweetwater Lactation Tea

This simple tea taken daily is one of Ayurveda’s most potent lactation supports. Made as a weak, hydrating tea, these herbal seeds support breastmilk production from day one.

  • Dashamula Tea

Dashamula, meaning “ten roots,” is a deeply grounding formula that brings vata dosha into balance in the lower region of the body. During birth, as the baby exits the womb, the womb space that was previously filled, immediately becomes empty, filling with the elements of space and air (vata). To help remove this excess of vata from the body, dashamula is traditionally taken daily after childbirth.

  • Postpartum Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This Inner Sun and Moon proprietary assists you in your Sacred Postpartum Window.

  • Engorgement Ease

This homeopathic remedy combined with flower essences relieves engorgement of the breasts in the first few days following birth, helps a new mama adjust to the major changes occurring in her life, and encourages her unconditional love towards her newborn baby.


month 10 - Ayurveda baby box


This box contains what you need to support your little one to thrive, including Ayurvedic remedies for common imbalances; essential oils to protect their energy field, herbal infused abhyanga oil to strengthen and soothe their nervous system, and so much more.

In this box you will receive:

  • Soften: Baby Abhyanga Oil

There are many benefits to infant massage such as bonding with their caregiver, soothing digestion, improved sleep, calming the nervous system, and many more. Use this soothing abhyanga oil to massage your infant each day (starting after the umbilical cord falls off).

  • Baby’s First Herbal Bath

Herbal baths are not only traditionally used for you, mama, but also for your baby. This calming herbal bath can be made any time after birth for you to hold your baby in and watch as they relax and unwind in the familiar, warm, watery environment.

  • Peaceful Help Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

  • Auric Shield: Essential Oil Blend

With frankincense and ho wood, these beautifully scented essential oils are used to protect baby’s auric field from negative energies. A small amount can be rolled onto their little feet, or mama can wear it on her body for baby to smell nearby.

  • Soothe: Neem Ghee

Ghee infused with neem leaf is traditionally used for many skin issues that commonly occur with newborns, such as eczema, cradle cap, infant pimples, diaper rashes, and others. Keep this on hand for times in need.

  • Tummy, Tired & Teethy Essential Oil Blends

In the early newborn days, and as your baby grows through the first year of life, there will be many new experiences for you and baby! Use these essential oil blends as needed when baby needs some teething support, digestive support, or sleeping support.

  • Ayurveda Baby Ubtan Powder

Known as Ayurvedic “Soap,” this powder can be mixed with warm milk to create a gently cleansing “soap” for baby. Traditionally used after an abhyanga massage, the chickpea flour will absorb any oil left over on baby’s body, while the fragrant rose and sandalwood powders nourish and sooth their gentle skin.