nutrition, pregnancy, health and wellness Krsna Jivani nutrition, pregnancy, health and wellness Krsna Jivani

5 benefits of ghee

Ghee has been used in India for thousands of years. Ghee can be infused with herbs and taken as medicine, or used as an everyday household cooking oil. The Charak Samhita, an ancient Ayurvedic authoritative text states “Out of all the oils fit for human consumption, ghee is the best to eat.” Ghee is known as “liquid gold.” It is glorified throughout the ancient texts of Ayurveda for its taste and health benefits. Many nutritionists and naturopaths today are noticing the value of ghee’s nurturing and nourishing qualities and considering it essential to a healthy diet.

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The importance of conscious Conception

Yoga & Ayurveda teach us that experiences begin to imprint themselves on the babies mind and body at the moment of conception. Based on the emotional, spiritual and physical environment that the child is developing in, these impressions will either serve to uplift the child and create patterns of harmony, trust, and connection, or they will create patterns that will play themselves out in the future through dysfunctional relationships, addictions, violence, fear, and anxiety.

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