The importance of conscious Conception
Yoga & Ayurveda teach us that experiences begin to imprint themselves on the babies mind and body at the moment of conception. Based on the emotional, spiritual and physical environment that the child is developing in, these impressions will either serve to uplift the child and create patterns of harmony, trust, and connection, or they will create patterns that will play themselves out in the future through dysfunctional relationships, addictions, violence, fear, and anxiety. If you invite your little one into your womb on purpose and with utmost intention, it establishes a deep, fundamental, core belief within them that they are wanted and not a burden. If you cultivate them with love and deep care while they are in your womb, their nervous system will be soft and at ease. If mama is nourished and supported during pregnancy, babe’s mind and mood will be stable. If you feel safe and secure in all aspects of your life, your little one will feel that they are at home.
"The Ayurvedic ideal goes far beyond merely conceiving. Instead the emphasis is on creating a child who is mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy — a wise and well-rounded child who will contribute to society and become an enlightened citizen."
- Maharishi Ayurveda
Ayurveda teaches that the presence of life is what allows the embryo to grow and transform into a fetus, and then a child. Without life, matter is in a state of dormancy. When consciousness enters matter, you can see all of the symptoms of life: birth, growth, maintenance, the ability to procreate, disease (or dwindling) and eventually death. At the moment of conception the Soul enters in. This is when the process of life begins. Thus, Ayurveda emphasizes the value of preparation before conception, as well as intention during conception to call in a Soul who will bring more light and goodness into the world. The physical strength of the parents 3-4 months before and at the moment of conception determines the foundation of health or dis-ease for the baby. Their mental state builds the baby's gunas, or state of mind. Their spiritual connection (or disconnection) determines the Soul who will come in, depending on where the Soul is on their own spiritual journey.
Ayurveda has done such a great job at outlining the process of bringing a life into the world with intention. This process is essentially like treating yourself like a plant in a garden. There are four aspects that you have to consider in preparation for conception: the field, the seeds, the season, and the water. You, as the woman, are the channel that this soul is coming through. You carry within you the field of the uterus, which lives in the larger field of your body, mind, and emotions. The house that you live in, your relationship with your partner, your work, community, and the planet all make up the greater context of the field that you want to begin to cultivate with deeper intention. The health of all of these aspects of your life influence the field of your uterus and therefore, are all important to look at while considering conception.
The seed is the health of the egg and the sperm. We know that a woman's cycle, and therefore her fertility, is negatively affected by stress, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, environmental toxicity, low body fat, and more. Ayurveda looks at how all of the--se different components of a woman's lifestyle might affect her eggs and reproductive organs as well as how the lifestyle of the father affects the quality and quantity of sperm. Stress causes us to clench which hinders the free-flow of prana (vitality, life force) and causes stagnation in the body, leading to dis-ease. Part of preparing for conception involves addressing any disorders of the reproductive system like irregular periods (which is often due to stagnation or not enough nourishment); ovarian cysts; uterine fibroids; etc., through proper diet, lifestyle practices, and herbal support (which will vary from woman to woman). Ayurveda thus suggests a cleansing period followed by a rebuilding (or nourishing) period prior to conceiving.
The season refers to the time of life, the proper time in your menstrual cycle, and living and eating in accordance with the time of year so that the doshas stay balanced. Ayurveda not only looks at the age of the parents and the appropriate time of the month, but also assesses the season, the phase of the moon, the environment (literally, the room!) that this Soul will be called into, and the state of consciousness of the parents at the moment of conception.
Lastly, the water is referring to the ways in which you nourish yourself. The modern love affair with intensity, stress, activity, drive and ambition is oftentimes what gets in the way of a woman's ability to conceive. If you have too many stress hormones and not enough nourishment, you may need to slow down, relax, and really focus on self-care practices that allow you to feel more soft, grounded, and cared for.
Through the ancient yet practical lifestyle science of Ayurveda, you learn how to engage with life consciously: how to step into every experience with clarity, wisdom, and intention. This is a dynamic integration of doing everything that you can to prepare an ideal environment to welcome a child into, and softening just enough so that you do not become rigid within the timing and the rituals so that you can trust that, ultimately, there is Divine timing and a bigger plan than your own.