
Welcome your babe into a beautiful world. This box includes everything a mama needs according to Ayurveda to prepare her body, heart and mind for a more smooth and ease-filled labor & birth.

This purchase is for a single Labor + Birth Box. To receive this box and a new box each month of your childbearing year, click HERE.

In this box you will receive:

  • Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil*

  • Birth: Herbal Bath*

  • Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil*

  • Perineal Massage Herbal Ghee*

  • Guduchi: Herbal Supplement*

  • Cardamom Essential Oil

  • Birth Flower Essence

*All organic ingredients.

Our boxes are currently small batch, made-to-order. Please allow 2 weeks for fulfillment of your order. Once the order is fulfilled, we ship with priority mail which takes 2-3 business days.

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Welcome your babe into a beautiful world. This box includes everything a mama needs according to Ayurveda to prepare her body, heart and mind for a more smooth and ease-filled labor & birth.

This purchase is for a single Labor + Birth Box. To receive this box and a new box each month of your childbearing year, click HERE.

In this box you will receive:

  • Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil*

  • Birth: Herbal Bath*

  • Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil*

  • Perineal Massage Herbal Ghee*

  • Guduchi: Herbal Supplement*

  • Cardamom Essential Oil

  • Birth Flower Essence

*All organic ingredients.

Our boxes are currently small batch, made-to-order. Please allow 2 weeks for fulfillment of your order. Once the order is fulfilled, we ship with priority mail which takes 2-3 business days.

Welcome your babe into a beautiful world. This box includes everything a mama needs according to Ayurveda to prepare her body, heart and mind for a more smooth and ease-filled labor & birth.

This purchase is for a single Labor + Birth Box. To receive this box and a new box each month of your childbearing year, click HERE.

In this box you will receive:

  • Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil*

  • Birth: Herbal Bath*

  • Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil*

  • Perineal Massage Herbal Ghee*

  • Guduchi: Herbal Supplement*

  • Cardamom Essential Oil

  • Birth Flower Essence

*All organic ingredients.

Our boxes are currently small batch, made-to-order. Please allow 2 weeks for fulfillment of your order. Once the order is fulfilled, we ship with priority mail which takes 2-3 business days.

More about this box:

  • Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil

Abhyanga is the practice of self massage. Strengthen: Abhyanga Oil brings nourishment to all the tissues of the body to provide you with the essential strength you need to carry you through labor and birth.

  • Birth: Herbal Bath

This blend of herbs can be used to prepare you for labor, or can be added to your birthing tub during labor. These herbs will assist in softening the tissues and begin to bring your energy inwards, so that you will be equipped with the deep focus that is necessary during your labor.

  • Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil

Yoni Picchu and Basti are traditional methods of Ayurveda for preparing the perineal tissues and the body for childbirth. Fortify: Yoni Picchu + Basti Oil, when used with these practices, will internally lubricate the tissues of the body, alleviate vata from the colon and pelvis, and begin to bring apana vayu downward, (the downward flow of energy in the body which governs the delivery of your baby).

  • Perineal Massage Herbal Ghee

Perineal massage is another traditional method for preparing perineal tissues before birth. A daily massage of the perineal tissues with this herbalized ghee, leading up to the onset of labor, will help stretch the tissues and accustom you to the sensations you may feel during labor and birth.

  • Guduchi: Herbal Supplement

The health promoting powers of guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) were so respected by the authors of the ancient Ayurvedic texts that they called it "Amrita" or "Divine Nectar." As a rejuvenative, guduchi strengthens the tissues, bolsters immunity, and promotes vitality while calming the mind and supporting proper function of the nervous system. It is also traditionally used to promote longevity and to support healthy reproduction.

  • Cardamom Essential Oil

According to Ayurveda, there are several traditional scents that should be smelled by a birthing mother. Cardamom is one of the traditional scents used in birthing rooms. This pure essential oil can be diffused in the birthing room, it can be anointed on your body, or a few drops can placed into a bowl or container and kept at close hand to smell as desired. It has been said amongst doulas that smelling cardamom essential oil during labor can help to curb the nausea that is associated with contractions.

  • Birth Flower Essence

Flower essences are made from the flowers of plants at the peak of their bloom. They contain the spiritual essence of the plant and address issues in the body on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This Inner Sun and Moon proprietary blend empowers the birthing mama to bring her baby earthside in the best way she is capable of.


Our products are always:

  • Organic

  • Small batch brewed

  • Sustainably sourced

  • Handmade using ancient medicine making methods


Made by Mamas. for Mamas.

Soften: Herbal Sitz Baths
CCF Tea Blend
Udvartana/Ubtan Powder
Rose Cardamom Birth Affirmation Candles